Suede Dreams

Home of Sexual

About Me

credit to BleedingPervert for the icon

Hello! You can call me Jude!

You're also free to call me Suede

- 24 years old
- ey/em/eirs
- autigenderpunk
- certified silly billy
- I love cute girls and greasy men


You can find a Comprehensive List of my fetishes on my F-List. Only the important stuff is listed here!


Gas (Eprocto and Eructo)
Liquid Inflation
Weight Gain


Death of ANY kind
Extreme BDSM
Characters being in pain


credit to BleedingPervert for the icon

I don't take kindly to racists, homophobes, ableists, TERFs, Transmeds, and the like. Any kind of group that practices exclusionary tactics on marginalized people will be instantly blocked.

Anybody under 18 is not allowed to view my content! It's against the law and if you don't have your age in your bio, you won't be getting access. If I find out you have lied about your age in order to view my content, I will block you immediately.

Another group not welcome on my page are pro-shippers and "problematic" artists! Fiction isn't reality, but it 100% can affect our real-world perceptions.Consuming content that includes incest, underage, or non-consensual sex can warp one's perception of right and wrong, and I encourage you to reflect on your actions and possibly seek therapy.


credit to BleedingPervert for the icon


$20 - Simple Sketch
$50 - Colored Sketch
$60 - Fully Shaded


$35 - Simple Sketch
$65 - Colored Sketch
$75 - Fully Shaded


Simple Background - +$15
50% of price for Extra Characters

Sequences are on a case by case basis and I will determine whether or not it's feasable and how much it will cost. If you're unsure, please feel free to ask.

I'm willing to draw anything on my THINGS I LIKE list, with the exception of Toilets and On-Screen Scat, I'm just not confident enough in my ability to draw it (yet)


I take payment almost exclusively through Paypal invoices. This would require you to send me your paypal email.Payment is to be received upon completion/acceptance of the sketch, with the exception of simple sketch commissions, which must be paid up front.Turnaround time for the sketch is unfortunately extremely varied due to my work schedule. If I have not sent a sketch within 2 weeks, please feel free to poke me.Once the sketch is completed and payment is received, turnaround for the fully colored/rendered picture is 24-72 hours.If I am ghosted on a sketch, either payment or acceptance-wise, I will give you a grace period of 2 weeks. After that, I reserve the right to turn the sketch into something entirely different and post it publicly, regardless of privacy requests.Commissions may be reposted, but with artistic credit and my watermark fully intact.You are free to use my art as icons/backgrounds/thumbnails/etc. on private messaging services such as Discord. For public facing social media accounts, please ask unless you were the one who commissioned it. If you commed it, it's fair game anywhere.You may upload my work to sites such as r34, paheal, or e621, so long as I didn't do it first and I am properly tagged as the artist.Requests are sometimes taken, however they're only if I like the idea enough and have the energy for it. I also may add characters you didn't ask for, or concepts you don't find to be pleasing. If you would like me to not do that, please consider commissioning me instead.


- MOST species of furry
- Humanoids
- Plushies and pooltoys
- Nudity
- Simple Mecha (Ex. FNaF Animatronics, WALL-E robots)
- ADULT Canon Characters
- Simple Props/Backgrounds (Ex. basic couch, gradient background, food not getting interacted with)


- Complex Mecha designs (Ex. Gundam, Movie-verse Transformers)
- Anything Sonic the Hedgehog Related (Sorry Rouge Fans)
- Extreme Action Poses
- Complex backgrounds


- Underage/cub characters (including characters Aged Up)
- Incest
- Non-con/Rape
- Hate Art/ Hate Symbols
- Gore
- Ponies and Ferals (Humanized Ponies are fine)

Fullbody Simple Sketch Example (c. 2022)

credit to BleedingPervert for the icon

Fullbody Colored Sketch Example (c. 2023)

credit to BleedingPervert for the icon

Halfbody Colored Sketch Example (c. 2022)

credit to BleedingPervert for the icon

Fully Rendered Half Body Example (c. 2022)

credit to BleedingPervert for the icon

Fully Rendered Full Body Example with Simple background (c. 2021)

credit to BleedingPervert for the icon

Fully Rendered Half Body Example with simple background and multiple characters (c. 2022)